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Venture Funding - Partnerships - Acquisitions
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We are looking for amazing people, products and companies to invest in and partner with.


Jigsaw Investment Group is a Calgary-based organization owned by entrepreneur Jeff Bradshaw.  


We are focused on investing capital and business expertise into great people, products or companies.


With 25 years of proven business experience, we are a diversely talented group with various business experience and backgrounds.   Along with an excellent track record in running companies and making profits, we possess extensive experience in operations, sales, marketing and branding.


We love business and we love entrepreneurism.


We are particularly interested in opportunities related to new technologies, health/wellness & media/communications.  We like business models that change the way we think, live and work.



Whether you have a new start-up idea, an existing business that you need help with, product distribution or you're looking at options for succession planning, we may be able to help.


We believe in integrity, efficiency, respect, hard work and profitability.


We do not have any specific streams of business that we focus on.  We’re interested in businesses and ideas that have potential for strong and steady growth and most importantly potential for profitability.


All interactions and information are kept strictly confidential.

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Simply email us with your contact information and any background information on what you’re looking for.  Someone will get back to you within 48 hours.


We will require a sufficient amount of background information on your venture and the people involved so that we can make a decision on whether or not we’re the right fit for your opportunity.


If your business aligns with our values and criteria, we will move things along rather quickly.  If it does not, we will let you know right away so that we’re not taking up much of your valuable time.


Thanks for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you.

Need more details? Contact us

We are a Creative Agency.

We do cool sh*t that gets noticed.

We specialize in Visual Storytelling.

Educate | Inform | Train

Elevate Your Training 

With Blended Visual Learning™

Our mission is to create immersive virtual reality experiences that educate, entertain and stay true to your business objectives.

Real estate investment company.

JPC has investments in commercial, residential and recreational properties.

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We are a Creative Agency.

We do cool sh*t that gets noticed.

We specialize in Visual Storytelling.

Educate | Inform | Train

Elevate Your Training 

With Blended Visual Learning

Sales Training System that provides you with the tools you need to lead, sell and

NEGOTIATE in all aspects of your life. 

Real estate investment company.

JPC has investments in commercial, residential and recreational properties.

Past Projects
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Phone: (403) 718-2200

© 2017  Jigsaw Communications Inc.

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